You’ve hit the jackpot by gaining a place in the London Marathon ballot for next year. For now, you can think about how good the finish line will feel when you cross it on the day, but why not strike while the iron is hot and begin your training now?

Join us on the 9th November for a FREE evening of endurance training tips and tricks!

Max Curle

To get you started, we are holding an evening with our very own Endurance Coach, Max Curle, to provide insight into how you should train for optimal performance on the day. From training methods to fuelling strategies, Max will pass on tons of tricks and tips that will be essential knowledge. This evening will be tailored towards both seasoned-runners as well as first timers, so there will be new knowledge to be had for all!

All of the information presented can be transferred and applied to a variety of endurance events too. So even if you didn’t get a marathon place, or even enter, this evening will also be helpful for those who are training for other running events, as well as cycling and triathlon.

What you need to know


9th November 2017 @ 7.30pm


6 Trump Street, EC2V 8AF


Tips, tricks and endurance fun! This includes example training programmes, how to calculate your personal HR zones, example nutrition for various events and a FREE training session at altitude!


Perhaps you’re running your first marathon? Or maybe you want to break the dreaded 3hr barrier? Or you’ve signed up to a big sportive next year? Is an IronMan on your radar? Are you taking up cycling and want to improve fast? Then this event is for you!

Sign up here!

Max Curle - The Altitude Centre Endurance Coach
Max Curle – The Altitude Centre Endurance Coach